Leandri de Kock

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I recently returned from the 77th expedition to Marion Island where I was working as a field assistant for a wind project in 2020/2021. My adventure to Marion Island provided me with valuable field experience, life skills and a motivation to study further. I will soon be pursuing an MSc degree in Zoology where I hope to learn new skills and techniques that I can use in future endeavours as an Ecologist.

Previously, I did my BSc and BSc Hons in Zoology at the Department of Zoology and Entomology, University of Pretoria. In my honours year (2019), I worked with members of the MIMMP, where I investigated the determinants of the moult phenology and haulout duration of female southern elephant seals on Marion Island using a large long-term dataset.

In my free time I love being outdoors, hiking, exercising, birding and exploring new places. I have an adventurous spirit and always eager to learn more.

Email: leandri3dekock@gmail.com

Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Leandri-De-Kock-2

Tweeting from @Leandri_DeK