Happy birthday elephant seals! 15 October - median pupping date
/The southern elephant seal annual breeding season peaks today, 15 October. This is the day in the year when most pups are born at Marion Island, and therefore we celebrate the island populations’ birthday today.
One of many southern elephant seal harems at peak breeding season on Marion Island. Photo: Frikkie van der Vyver
A southern elephant seal guards his beach filled with females and pups during the 2020 breeding season. Photo: Frikkie van der Vyver
However, this year is an extra special elephant seal birthday to us seal biologists (aka “Sealers”), because not too long ago we anticipated that for the first time in four decades we would not have a presence on Marion Island in this breeding season!
Thankfully our efforts were rescued and Frikkie and Yinhla are on the island to conduct the total island count today, but even more importantly, to continue with our globally valued 39-year old ‘mark-resight’ research on this species.
Cheers to the ellies and our continued efforts to understand and conserve them and their beautiful habitats!